The last few days have been fairly low-key with a minimal amount of indulging. There was a massive cheeseburger on Monday, but that was really about it. So anyway--last night, I went out to eat with one of my oldest friends and we decided to check out this neighborhood seafood joint. She settled for the tried-and-true tilapia, and I decided to be a bit more daring and have the "escolar" (a.k.a. Hawaiian butterfish). It tasted weirdly minerally, but it was still pretty good-- especially when I slathered some butter on top (in honor of its name). It was a decent-sized portion and, although I was already full, I didn't want to waste food so I ended up finishing the whole thing.
Anyway . . . sorry to be graphic . . . but, this morning, I had a fierce case of chocolate waterfalls. I immediately thought about the fish from last night but it had tasted well-cooked and not spoiled, so I wasn't sure what it could have been. Still, I decided to do some research on our dear escolar this morning. *cringing*
On Wikipedia's entry for escolar, there is a special section for "effects of consumption." *crazy look* You can imagine my DISGUST when I read the following points:
- gastrointestinal symptoms . . . include oily orange diarrhea, discharge, or leakage from the rectum that may smell of mineral oil
- discharge can stain clothing and occurs without warning 30 minutes to 36 hours after consuming fish
- oil may pool in the rectum and cause frequent urges for bowel movements
- symptoms may occur over a period of one or more days
And, what's worse is that they suggest limiting consumption of escolar to less than 6 ounces, yet my piece filled half the plate. *sigh, shaking my head* Stupid fish place that serves stupid fish. Never again, escolar. Never again.

It only looks harmless . . .
FATTIE RATING: 4 (pre-waterfalls), 3 (post-waterfalls)
So . . . I'm a lazy bum because I never did get started on that workout regimen with my coworker. *sheepish smirk* I've either been too tired or busy to join her . . . but I finally made a personal effort this past weekend. Not only did the prodigal daughter return to Bally's, but she also did the American Cancer Society Walk & Roll with her horsebeast of a friend the day after.
We did a combined 10-mile skate (on rollerblades)-- and all I'm going to say is that 5 of those miles was absolute hell. Not only was most of it uphill, but the wind was pushing against us the entire way. And it didn't help that the sun was beating down on us on some stretches, and then it got unbelievably chilly on others. I'm amazed that I got through it in one piece. The beast and I really hated our lives-- but it was for a good cause, and we rewarded ourselves with dim sum and sleep immediately after. Ha.
FITNESS RATING: 2.5 (out of 5-- but I'm slowly getting there!)
There are trips and weddings coming up that I very badly need to get in shape for . . . and do you know what I've been doing instead? Eating more and blatantly refusing to work out. I have no idea what's wrong with me. I have no motivation and I end up just eating to make myself feel better for my lack of motivation. It's madness, I tell you.
But my friend at work has taken it upon herself to create a workout regimen for us. We're both striving to get into crazy shape for the summer, so she's going to push me to get back into the workout routine-- and I'm going to try my best to eat better. So yeah. I'm on a mission.
BEFORE (haha):

Just as it is difficult to find kindred spirits in one lifetime, it is equally difficult to find a kindred belly. There are many people I like to eat with and they all, generally, like to eat-- but it is rare to find someone who is as consistently willing or excited to eat the same things (or as many things) as I am eager to eat. I was in Austin, sitting with my two cousins who had both just informed me that they "don't really like cream sauce-- or cheesy things," when the realization hit me . . .
My coworker and frequent lunch buddy who we'll designate as "S" is truly a kindred belly to me. There is not one meal we've ever shared where I haven't eaten off his plate and he hasn't eat off of mine. We generally have the same taste in fatty and good food alike, so it's always a treat when we eat out because we're both essentially getting two meals instead of one. ;) We're both equally willing to try something new and willing to indulge when we really shouldn't. He is the one I'll randomly drag along with me to get a deep dish sausage pizza, or Russian food, or a patty melt, or Indian buffet, or sushi, or chili, or chicken wings, or crepes, or a soup bread bowl, or Thai food, or Mediterranean food, or a corned beef sandwich, or a Wendy's jr. bacon cheeseburger, or even a medley of hot dogs. He is the Ray to my Rachael. Haha. And this is essentially why we we're bored of all the restaurants near work and also why my body has become a flabby mess. The only solution? We must get rid of S . . .
P.S. S and I don't get along as well as this post may make it seem. It is only our bellies that bring us together. Ha.
FATTIE RATING: 5 (alone), 5!! (with S)
Not much to write about. My allergies have been attacking me relentlessly over the past few weeks, so food has been the least of my concern. I came upon this interesting article, though, about the worst foods in the nation. I was quite amused because I've eaten several of the mentioned items. The full article can be found here, but my favorites (which I have triumphantly consumed) are as follows:
- Worst Mexican Entree: Chipotle Chicken Burrito
1,179 calories; 47 g fat; 125 g carbs; 2,656 mg sodium
- Worst Pizza: Uno Chicago Classic Sausage Deep Dish
2,310 calories; 162 g fat; 123 g carbs; 4,470 mg sodium
- Worst Food in America: Outback Steakhouse Aussie Cheese Fries with Ranch Dressing
2,900 calories; 182 g fat; 240 g carbs
And people wonder why Americans are so unhealthy. *shaking my head* I'm so gonna die of a heart attack . . .
FATTIE RATING: 3.5 (over the past few days), 5 (throughout life)
So there's not much to say about the last few days. I've been so focused on work and sleep that I've had little time to think about food. And, honestly, I ate so much over the weekend that I sort of lost my appetite a bit. Ha.
But anyway, a coworker mentioned to me earlier that she had gotten someone else's cold or infection. I felt bad and immediately remembered the time someone advised me to drink a shot of wheatgrass juice to help the immune system, so I told her about it. I'm not sure why I did, though, because I had a horrible experience from the one time I drank wheatgrass juice. It involved nausea, gagging, dry heaving, and horrible tasting burps. Ugh. Unfortunately, that didn't matter to my coworker because she was so excited to try something new, and I was forced to head over to Jamba Juice with her and another buddy for shots of wheatgrass juice.
I initially thought I had such an adverse reaction the first time because I was sick. Um, no. I realized today that it has nothing to do with being sick. My body, in general, abhors wheatgrass juice. It is the most foul liquid imaginable. Okay, maybe not-- but it is to me. I had to stuff my face with every kind of junk food imaginable just to get the nasty GRASS taste out of my system. I ate hot dogs, an omelet, spicy cheese chips, pretzels with peanut butter, and a Snickers bar. When I started burping up spicy cheese flavor, all was right with the world.

FATTIE RATING: 3 (pre-wheatgrass), 4.25 (post-wheatgrass)