I can't believe there are less than two days left of 2008. Weird. Even weirder that I've spent the last couple of weeks eating obscene amounts of food and I can't quite remember what most of it was. I do remember one thing, though. The most wonderfully delicious and disgustingly bad for you food EVER: chicken skin. Yes, for those that haven't grown up on this delicacy, you may think it's a bit gross without the chicken meat attached . . . but it's absolutely wonderful.
I had a potluck Christmas party with some old friends the other day, and someone who I shall now consider my new best friend decided to bring an entire tray of crispy chicken skin. *content sigh* Upon eating one piece drenched in spicy vinegar, I couldn't stop. I would've eaten the entire tray had they left me with it-- but people kept getting in the way. My friends started making fun of me-- saying that was the most excited they'd ever seen me (and the most filipino). Ha. Chicken skin to me is like candy to a little kid. If people gave out chicken skin instead of candy on Halloween . . . I'd take the day off of work and put on some really comfortable sneakers. ;)
I'm generally not a generic brand shopper. I'm used to my Dove and Breyers and Pillsbury and McCormick and Halls and Kleenex and Land O'Lakes and . . . you get the idea. But I'm also drawn to sales-- and, usually, grocery stores are good at putting the brand-name items on sale. Last night, though, I went to the store to get some chewy chocolate chip cookies and the Chips Ahoy brand wasn't on sale. It was over $4 for one package when it's generally on sale for two for $5. These days, I really hate spending unnecessary money-- and I couldn't bring myself to spend nearly an extra two bucks on the Chips Ahoy.
Every now and then, I'll buy a generic brand (of cotton swabs or pocket tissue or ibuprofen or hand sanitizer or even butter)-- and even though they are never as good as the real thing, they usually get the job done. So I put my faith in the generic brand called "Treasure Chips" which happened to be on sale for two for $5. I brought them home to several hungry individuals and looked forward to enjoying some sweet, chewy goodness. All I have to say is . . . ewwww. Seriously. Worst generic product EVER. First, they weren't chewy-- they were like cardboard and became powdery when bitten into. Second, the sweetness was sooo artificial and overpowering. And third . . . I don't know-- I don't even have a third, but they were just soooo BAD. I was so appalled by how bad that I wrote a complaint to the grocery store company this morning. Ha. From now on, I'll just stick to inedible generics. Stupid Treasure Chips . . .
So I took a bit of a posting vacay because I was eating it up in NY. *deep, heavy sigh* I don't know what it is about the food in NY, but it is by far the best I've ever had. I went there with a list of things I already knew I wanted to eat-- and I left having added more favorites to my list. It's ridiculous, I tell you. No wonder weight gain is inevitable there. :\
Anyway, here is most of what I ate:
glorious soup dumplings (accompanied by glorious vinegar soy sauce)
all sorts of Guyanese baked goods-- including these cheese rolls (which happen to look like feet-- haha)

best darn Halal cart combo ever-- I don't even like lamb, but I devoured this

perfect everything bagel with spicy turkey chili (my palate has gotten weak because this used to be my fave, but it was almost too spicy)

lunch at Google, the most wonderful, amazing place EVER (I forgot to take the picture before I cut everything up though-- sorry)

meatball bao (so very delicious, but it will make you so very bloated)
75-cent drumsticks (which would make anyone a little happy/crazy)
Dominican dinner (amazing beef & egg empanadas, wonderful lasagna, and darn good pork chops...)
roasted chestnuts (my first time...and quite enjoyable)
there's nothing better than a few slices of NY-style pizza

and, in typical fattie fashion . . . massive food coma ;)
As we all know, we're in a recession right now-- and I'm sure we're all feeling it in one way or another. :\ With that in mind, you'd think I'd be spending my money more wisely. Unfortunately, it's been a very busy last few days in terms of loved ones' birthdays and what not. For three nights now, I've had sushi for dinner. And my checking account certainly reflects that.
I've decided to spend money eating out ONLY when it's absolutely delicious and/or necessary. Sadly, last night's sushi was necessary but not all that great. We went to a seafood/sushi buffet for my cousin's birthday and the bill was outrageous for the mediocre food and very limited selection. I mean, it all looked great . . . but my favorite part of the meal was the soft serve green tea/vanilla ice cream. So yeahhh.
outward beauty, little substance
I guess I'll be brown-bagging lunch and having dinner at home for awhile. It's really too bad that eating is such an expensive hobby. :(
Eatery Info: Todai Restaurant, 109 Woodfield Shopping Center, Schaumburg, IL 60173
When I feel really blah, I generally stuff my face with the fattiest and most unhealthy food possible. This is what I've always done. But this afternoon I started feeling that way . . . and instead of going across the street to buy a burrito with extra cheese melted on top, I actually went downstairs to the small gym in my building and worked out. And I didn't force myself. I wanted to. Something is very wrong.
I haven't gotten sick in over a year and I refuse to let it happen now. Must...fight...it...

I took two packets of Emergen-C yesterday (which equals 2,000 mg of Vitamin C) and drank a bit of OJ and cranberry/pomegranate juice. Mmm . . . I might have overdone it a little . . . :\
"Using Vitamin C products beyond recommended limits may cause stomachaches and diarrhea and can hinder metabolic activities in the body. The recommended dietary allowance for Vitamin C in nonsmoking adults is 75 mg per day for women and 90 mg per day for men. Higher levels of Vitamin C are needed when under environmental stress such as trauma, fever or infection. Full saturation is reached with daily intakes of 200-500 mg per day." (J. Riverside)