So I'm sitting there in a Dominick's cafe, sipping on some bottled iced tea, minding my own business when . . . lo and behold, I see something that makes me want to laugh and cry and laugh a little more.

At the table next to me, a small, quiet Asian lady sits eating her lunch. But not just any lunch. She's eating a whole rotisserie chicken! And she's determinedly going at it with her fork, paying no attention to anyone around her. My gosh, I was so full of joy and amusement at the sight. Such gusto, such courage. I would've hugged her were I not a fairly sane individual.
Note to Self: Go to grocery store for lunch one day, buy whole rotisserie chicken and large side of macaroni and cheese, proceed to eat it in public, pat big belly, enjoy life.
CATEGORY: Soondubu

Chicago: Eh
LA: In all my soondubu-eating years, I've never finished the whole thing (even in NY, which has some of the best). But I devoured this entire pot at Cho Dang Tofu House.
CATEGORY: Fattie Burger & Fries

Chicago: Our choices are kind of limited-- there's Mickey D's, Burger King, Wendy's, White Castle, eh.
LA: Dude, In-N-Out uses the yummiest cheese, and they throw all this gunk on everything. Ha.
CATEGORY: Fruit Bubble Tea

Chicago: Joy Yee's has some of the freshest, most yummy fruit bubble tea ever. Everything tastes good!
LA: Really? Is Boba Loca JY's only competition? about artificial and overly sweet. Bleh.

Chicago: Please refer to last post. And the beautiful specimens above are from Lou Malnati's. Ah, such goodness.
LA: Yeah, of course there's thin crust and then there's deep dish, and that's kinda like comparing apples to oranges . . . but there's really no contest against Chicago-style pizza. Haha.
In summary, I guess every city has some foods they're better at than others. The fun comes in trying to find the winners. And I certainly do like trying to find the winners. ;)
Me: Random thought, but . . . I seriously love Chicago-style pizza. Haha. If we didn't live here, I think we'd both have a void that only this pizza would fill. Sad to think we might never have known it had we lived in Boise or Charleston or something.
The Brother: weirdest most random e-mail ever.
Haha. I was so sure he would share in my Chicago-style pizza love, but he must be having an off day. Oh well. The sentiment remains. :}
After I eat, I follow a ritual that I’ve been doing for years. I take out my mirror, I smile and look at my teeth, I take out whatever bits might be stuck in my teeth, I check to see if there are any crumbs on my face, and then I put on some lip gloss/balm. On the most part, this ritual is usually just check-up and rarely procedure.
So yesterday, after eating a scrumptious turkey sandwich with cheddar and romaine on toasted wheat bread, I proceeded to carry out my ritual in front of I. He was looking the other way as I opened my mirror. So I smiled and looked at my reflection and, with horror, noticed the bits of brown toast pieces and dark green lettuce pieces in practically every crevice imaginable. I shut my mouth quickly just as I lifted my eyes up and realized he had seen everything.
*sigh* Needless to say, there was a lot of laughter on his part and a lot of clean-up and horrification on mine. Bleh.
So everyone around me is sick-- either with a bad cold or some sort of flu. I have a fairly good immune system, though, and I take vitamins and wash my hands all the time, so I haven't been too worried. I felt a little worried this morning, though, because my throat feels very very mildly sore, and I can't tell if it's a sign of sickness to come or if it's from the tea that burned my throat this morning. Anyway, just to be on the safe side, I took my bottle of water, poured a packet of superdy duper vitamin C mix into it, and shook it up. I did all this on my way to the bathroom, for the sake of convenience.
Minutes later, I walked out of the stall, bottle in hand, and headed to the sink. I ran into one of my older lady coworkers and after she smiled at me, her gaze shifted down to my bottle of yellow liquid. I have no idea why, but I felt like a deer caught in headlights. I'm pretty sure I looked it too. She quickly averted her eyes, finished up her hand-drying, and walked out. *sigh*