Thursday, May 27, 2010

05.27 - Best Meal EVER

The perfect surf & turf combo does exist. It is comprised of the most tender, flavorful bone-in filet mignon and a ginormous helping of succulent, sweet Alaskan king crab legs. *drooling* I have no words.

Eatery Info: Joe's Seafood, Prime Steak & Stone Crab Restaurant, 60 E Grand Ave, Chicago, IL 60611

Monday, May 24, 2010

05.24 - My Lifelong Struggle

I'll admit it, I've always been rather clumsy. But it's generally just dropped crumbs or a little bit of spilled coffee here and there. Nothing major, nothing to stress about. That is until recent months . . .

Several months ago, while "I" and I were in California and on the way to visit my cousins one morning, we decided to stop by Jamba Juice for a Power size (30 oz.) smoothie. I offered to drive and we soon headed back onto the highway. While maintaining a nice steady speed, I picked up the large drink and brought the straw to my mouth . . . only to have the lid pop off and the entire 30 ounces of cold, fruity liquid slide onto my lap. *sigh* I drove for a miserable 20 more minutes before we got to an exit and found a Walmart to get a dry pair of replacement jeans. :\

Last week, I was out to dinner with some of the LP boys and we were all having a nice time with our delicious food and yummy beverages. My beverage of choice was strawberry lemonade. As I was sliding the large 22 oz. glass closer to me, the entire thing (ice, strawberries, sugarly lemonade and all) spilled onto my lap. Needless to say, I had an uncomfortable walk back to their house, and I ended up borrowing light-colored boy jeans that made me look straight out of the '80s for the rest of the night. *sigh*

After these two episodes, I'm terribly afraid that this mishap will follow me all the days of my life . . . :\

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

05.19 - Changing it Up

I wanted some oatmeal this morning, but I didn't want the same old plain oatmeal with brown sugar. So I cooked the oatmeal with hot coffee, then I threw in some brown sugar. That may seem a little strange but it's pretty darn good, I'd have to say. Not only does it make for a yummy breakfast, but I get a slight pick-me-up as well. Good job, me. :}

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

05.05 - Eat with Your Head, Not with Your Eyes

"I" and I had a huge sushi craving the other day, so we decided to eat at an all-you-can-eat place we had heard good things about. They had a nice, wide selection, so we were hyped up when we got there.

For our first round, we chose five different rolls and four pieces of sushi-- altogether over 30 pieces. All of it was quite good (except for one bad decision on my part) and we stuffed our faces. With only five pieces left on the platter, we went ahead and placed our round two order. We chose two rolls and 12 pieces of sushi, and only at the last minute took off one of the rolls.

You know . . . we should've just stopped at round one. I have no idea what we were thinking. :\ When the second platter finally came out, both of us were already full beyond limit. The problem we faced, though, was that this place charges for uneaten food. Any normal person (with any lick of common sense and no qualms about spending money) would've just paid extra for the food on the plate-- but we don't have that luxury, and since we got ourselves into that predicament, we were gonna get ourselves out of it.

So "I" was my lookout and I was his, and with as much strength (and stealth) as possible . . . we ate every single piece of fish (and threw all the rice into a napkin conveniently placed in my jacket pocket). Despite letting out a few hysterical giggles here and there, I am pleased to say we did not raise any suspicion. By the end of it, we were both so close to being sick that it was scary . . . but we cheered each other on and made it through. Ha. After we left, I was hit by a food coma so hard I didn't wake up for two hours. Never again . . .