Yes, offices walled in glass and cubicles with windows (see pictures below):

Anyway, I guess they're unique little additions. The only problem is that when I look out my window, I'm staring directly into another lady's office. And when this lady sits at her desk and looks straight ahead, she looks out her glass wall and directly into my cubicle. *sigh*
It wouldn't be that awkward except for the fact that I eat a lot. And I'm not as neat about it as I should be. Today, she had quite a show. Throughout the day, I had a piece of herb bread, an orange, a bar of chocolate, rice with chicken and broccoli, half of a ham and cheese sandwich, a bag of crunchy kettle chips, and half of a chocolate chip cookie.
Even though it's absolutely not her fault, I've come to really dislike her presence as my neighbor. I delight when she's off for the day and I get irritated when I look over and make eye contact with her. *sigh* Sometimes a girl just wants to eat in peace, you know what I'm saying? :\