My two fat friends recently gave me a book called “Skinny Bit*h.” I’m not sure why they felt I needed to read such a harsh, in-your-face book on the ‘no-no’s of being a fattie, but I have to admit I was intrigued at the thought of it because I know several people who have become vegetarian after reading it. So yeah. I’ve read about 1/3 of the book so far . . . and I completely understand why vegetarianism becomes the obvious next step. :\
Needless to say, I am currently struggling. I had to take a break from the book because I was beginning to prefer tofu over beef . . . and if you know me well enough, you know that’s a scary thought. *sigh* Honestly, I’m one of those people who can usually hear about the disgusting and terrible conditions of slaughterhouses and still eat a cheeseburger later that night . . . but that’s only if I think really hard about the burger as an entity in itself. If I start to think about the animal, then I start to feel a little sick. So yeah. This past week has been a huge battle between my brain and my stomach. I’m not sure which will win . . . but it certainly does not help when my cousin sends me the link to a website featuring this image:

Note to self: Cow only tastes good when you don’t think about the cow.
Lie to self: Burgers and steaks do not come from a cow. They magically appear and they are yummy.
FATTIE RATING: 4.5 (without stupid book), 3 (with stupid book)
Over the years, I have acquired a certain reputation. For some reason, those close to me tend to think that I have no threshold for fullness. For example . . .
1) I was on vacation, at a table with six girlfriends, and we were all sitting there and eating an obscene amount of steamed blue crabs. The crabs were soo delicious and we were all loving our lives-- until we realized that we were quite full. There were still three or four crabs left and our hostess did not want to wrap them up or have them go to waste . . . so a few of my friends looked at me and said, "You can do it. Take one for the team." Ha! Riiight...
2) I was meeting up four friends at a sushi restaurant, and I came a bit later than they did. When I got there, they had already gotten their rolls and were halfway through them. As I sat down, one mentioned that he was full-- and then another looked at me and said, "Don't worry-- Ji will finish them." Huh!?! Haha.
3) We had a work birthday party this morning and I brought in some bagels which I cut in halves. Another lady coworker came over and started cutting those halves in halves because she didn't think people would be able to finish them. Then a different coworker overheard and said, "Oh, Ji can finish a whole one." Then the other lady coworker nodded and said, "She sure can. That one has an appetite on her!" Um . . . is it that obvious!? Haha.
In conclusion, while I thought I was a closet fattie this whole time . . . it appears that the world is aware of my . . . ability. *sigh* public....
I have no idea what I was thinking when I bought a bucket of chicken wings. There were like 50 pieces in there to begin with. And, today, there are still about 20. While a bucket of chicken might normally have been an economical and delicious way to provide dinner for myself for the week, I haven't gotten home till pretty late the last few days so there hasn't been any time for me to eat them. :\
Because I absolutely hate to waste food (and cooked food can only stay good in a refrigerator for a short amount of time), I've had to find other times to eat the wings. *sigh* My low point was yesterday morning, right before I needed to get to work. I shook 7 or 8 pieces out of the bucket onto my plate and heated them in the microwave. Then I proceeded to stand at the kitchen counter, eating the chicken as quickly as possible since I was already running a bit late. I thought chicken wings for breakfast would be some sort of treat-- but, honestly, it was a struggle to get the last three pieces down.
*sigh* I really need to stop listening to my stomach-- especially when it comes up with genius ideas like buying whole buckets of chicken for myself alone. *shaking my head* Stupid stupid . . .

So I finally have some free time now, and I decided to "celebrate" by going to the gym last night. It was my first time in weeks and stupid me ended up picking the elliptical stairmaster thingamajigger from hell. I wanted to give up after two minutes, but I didn't want to be "that girl" who couldn't handle the beast of a machine. So I endured it for 15 minutes and then opted for the treadmill instead. Anyway, after that workout, I was famished. So famished that I drove straight to the nearby Jewel and bought myself a bucket (that's right-- 2.5 whole pounds!) of chicken wings. I channeled all of my willpower in an attempt to keep my hunger at bay, but . . . it didn't work. *sigh* I ended up ripping into the bucket and devouring three delicious pieces before even stepping foot into the house. I am a sad individual.
P.S. No, I did not finish the entire bucket! I'm not that sad.
Today has been weird. First off, do I look like a human garbage disposal? This morning, two different coworkers came up to me at two separate times offering gifts of leftovers (half of a veggie breakfast burrito from one and a hard boiled egg from the other). Of course I gladly accepted, but it still made me feel a bit porky.
And, secondly, do I not like to finish all my food? This afternoon, my coworker and I were sitting on a bench near work, eating our lunches bought from a nearby buffet and enjoying the warm weather. As I was about to mix my macaroni and cheese with broken-up pieces of seasoned meatball to create the ultimate cheeseburger experience . . . the wind took my entire styrofoam container away, nearly hitting a baby in a stroller in the process. I still had half my food left, and I have no idea where any of it landed.
*sigh* Very weird day in the food department.
I have been excessively MIA, haven't I? It's been crazy-- what with getting older, watching a close family friend get married, finishing up a whole mess of work, and going off to the exotic island of Puerto Rico. I think I've finally settled back into life, and now is as good a time as any to ponder the food of my last few weeks. Honestly, though, I can't remember much right now, so I'll just focus on the cuisine of Puerto Rico.
Surprisingly, it wasn't as wonderful as I thought it would be-- and it was super pricey. Still, I did partake in consuming two PR staples: ropa vieja and fresh seafood. Both were good, particularly the latter. Oh-- and there were also a few glasses of delicious pina colada involved. ;) But yeah. All in all, decent food-- though I think I lost weight there instead of gaining it. Good for me, I guess. ;)