Needless to say, I am currently struggling. I had to take a break from the book because I was beginning to prefer tofu over beef . . . and if you know me well enough, you know that’s a scary thought. *sigh* Honestly, I’m one of those people who can usually hear about the disgusting and terrible conditions of slaughterhouses and still eat a cheeseburger later that night . . . but that’s only if I think really hard about the burger as an entity in itself. If I start to think about the animal, then I start to feel a little sick. So yeah. This past week has been a huge battle between my brain and my stomach. I’m not sure which will win . . . but it certainly does not help when my cousin sends me the link to a website featuring this image:

Note to self: Cow only tastes good when you don’t think about the cow.
Lie to self: Burgers and steaks do not come from a cow. They magically appear and they are yummy.
FATTIE RATING: 4.5 (without stupid book), 3 (with stupid book)
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