My last post got me thinking about blood soups and how disturbing they are to me. I'm not sure why that is, but there's something gross about cooking the blood of another living being for consumption. Yeah, I know it's just like eating the meat of another living being, but blood just seems off-limits. *shudder* It's interesting, though, that several countries have some version or another . . .
Czarnina (Polish soup made of duck blood and poulty broth-- "czarny" means "black")
Curry Mee (Malaysian egg noodle curry soup with seafood, chili, and cubes of coagulated pig's blood)
Dinuguan (Filipino stew with meat simmered in a special pig's blood gravy)
Svartsoppa (Southern Swedish soup made of goose or pig's blood)
Haejangguk (Korean soup made with pork bones and coagulated ox blood)
Tiet Canh (Vietnamese soup made of raw duck blood)
Kway Chap (Singaporean soup containing pig's blood and sometimes pig organs)
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