Friday, February 13, 2009

02.13 - Reality Check

Recently, several people close to me have acquired gastrointestinal problems that have changed their diets dramatically and have even caused some to shed a lot of weight. After initially hearing about these problems, I felt bad and silently thanked God that I didn't have to deal with them myself. One friend actually teased me and said that I should hope for a GI problem because it would help me stop eating so badly. I laughed it off.

But after continuing to hear about the lifestyle changes that are necessary to treat and deal with GI problems, I'm actually starting to become a bit afraid. The thought of having to give up just one of my fave foods makes me nervous, so I can't imagine incorporating even more drastic changes in diet and eating habits.

These stories hit so close to home that I'm starting to realize (dun dun dun) that I can't take my health for granted. At the rate I'm going, I'm pretty much guaranteed a GI problem in the next year or so. And who knows what more. So . . . I dunno. I think I'm going to try incorporating a bit more good stuff into my diet and reducing some of the bad stuff. I'm not going to go completely crazy on a health kick (because this is me we're talking about) . . . but I'm definitely going to make some gradual changes. Better that I do this stuff now on my own than later by necessity. :\

1 comment:

hannah love said...

there's a LOT of good healthy foods out there.... so tasty :)