Friday, April 17, 2009

04.17 - My Stomach's a Battlefield

This week, I had my “first” tastes of the following:

McD’s sausage burritos
ham omelette
beef and chicken kabobs
chef’s Italian salad (with salami)
skirt steak
braised short ribs
“black and blue” burger

It was all . . . really good, but it appears my stomach isn’t used to these deliciously foreign substances. The belly has felt really tight and heavy all week. Not surprisingly, I’ve been craving fresh fruits and vegetables like crazy because of it. I like imagining the fruit and veggie juices trying their best to break up the meat—like it’s a produce vs. meat battle. I had feta and spinach stuffed chicken (mmm) for lunch earlier, and I just now finished devouring a delicious but extremely overpriced orange from 7-Eleven. May the best man win . . .

1 comment:

jksweetz said...

i love ur food blog :D
i ate a mcskillet burrito this morning for breakfast. haha. actually not bad...not bad at all.