Me: Hi, would you be able to give us some recommendations?
Owner: (points to lunch menu) You should have special number one and special number three. That way, you both can share and taste a variety of things.
Me: (reads lunch menu and notices the excessive carb presence) Okay. You know, she (points to F) will probably have one of the specials, but I might just get something on the menu.
Owner: You don't want to try the specials?
Me: No, it's not that. It's just that I can't have rice or bread.
Owner: Oh, then you can have (points to picture on paper placemat) this donut here. It is very delicious.
Me: (laughs a little) No, I can't have donuts either. No rice, no bread, no donuts.
Owner: (eyes suddenly become wide) So what are you going to eat!?!?
Me: Umm (laughs nervously), something on the menu.
Owner: Like what!? (looks at me with wide, expectant eyes)
Me: I'll, uh, probably have one of the dishes-- like . . . umm . . . the homemade cheese and peas. I can eat that.
Owner: (looks at me incredulously) What?! That comes with rice!
Me: (nervous laugh) I know, but don't worry. She'll (points to F) eat it.
Owner: So you'll just eat the dish by itself!?
Me: Yeah! It'll be good.
Owner: (looks at me one last time, shakes his head, and walks away)
Ha. We eventually place our orders. F gets one of the specials and I opt for the mattar paneer (as previously mentioned). When the food comes out, everything looks really good, but the breads on F's plate seem a little sad. There is no nan, there is no cool thin, pizza-sized rolled-up thing that we saw on someone else's table, and there is no yummy looking fried bread that I saw on Check, Please! I really want F to taste all the yumminess I can't, so I quickly call the owner over.
Me: Hi. Sorry to bother you, but we wanted to order another type of bread.
Owner: (incredulous look) Bread?! But you cannot eat bread!!
Me: Yes, I know. (apologetic smile) It's not for me. It's for her.
Owner: (looks at F, shakes head a little, goes to find the menu, and comes back)
Me: There was this really big, thin rolled-up piece on someone else's table. What was that?
Owner: (thinks) Oh, that is a crepe. It is filled.
Me: (looks at F) Want that? (F shakes her head)
Owner: (walks over to F, points at menu) We also have this special fried bread. It is very delicious.
F: Okay. I'll have that.
The fried bread eventually comes out and it looks oily and delicious. F says it's really good, so I can't help but pop a piece of the fried bread into my mouth, chew it up a little . . . and then spit it back out. *heavy sigh* Ha. Yeaaaaahh . . .

Note to Self: Do not go to an Indian restaurant known for its delicious carb items while you are on South Beach Phase 1. You will not only struggle, but you will upset the owner as well.
Eatery Info: Udupi Palace, 2543 W Devon Ave, Chicago, IL 60618
I am in California and there is a Udupi Palace near me that I have never tried.
I love to say "Udupi" though and your post encourages me to finally look it up.
The Wikipedia article mentions that "Udupi cuisine comprises dishes made primarily from grains, beans, vegetables, and fruits."
I would think that would be tough for SB Phase 1 for sure. I commend your courage in the face of carbs aplenty! : )
I went here with Ice man especially to help him appreciate foods from these cultures but he ended up more racist afterwards
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