Friday, March 20, 2009

03.20 - Be Very Afraid

This is what I had for lunch:

There was absolutely no flesh of any sort present. Dude, what's going on? Is the world coming to an end? :\


goldandsilver said...

that doesn't look tasty at all...!
i'm happy to eat a meatless meal, but there's nothing in there but leaves!!

there are 3 vegetables i don't see a point in eating: lettuce, cucumbers, and celery. they're mostly water, have little nutritional value, and don't satiate your appetite.

so lame!

ji said...

Haha. So true. But I fell in love with the creamy balsamic vinaigrette from this place by work-- so I brought in lettuce (the darker kind so there'd at least be more nutrients than iceberg) and poured the dressing all over. That alone would definitely have been super lame, but the hummus sorta made up for it. ;)

Francis Choi said...

"you cant make friends with salad"
-homer simpson

hannah love said...

Glad I saw the pita and hummus there... hahah otherwise it really would have been a sad salad.

I refuse to eat celery because it is so useless... and the aftertaste of it gets to me. But I would do the same thing you did too if I really liked a certain dressing

Susan said...

hey Jihan,
I thought about you last week while I was in my health policy class. We were discussing federal policies related to obesity and asthma, and all of a sudden this guy started talking about how cheese has these addictive qualities because it releases dopamine in your brain, like drugs. haha!
So I realized, we can't help our cheese addiction, it's physiological! lol

ji said...

Salad and I aren't friends, Francis. We just had a few decent conversations on the El. ;)

I had way too much cheese and hummus this past month, Hannah. Haha. My tummy's mad at me.

And thank you for the info, Sus. I started my habit at the age of 4. Sad sad. Haha.