All that changed the other day, though. I went to a restaurant . . . and they asked if we wanted fresh wasabi . . . and I noticed it would cost extra . . . and without a moment of hesitation, I said, “Yes, please!!” Haha. Dude, fresh wasabi rocks. I love how you can feel the flesh of the root on your tongue, and the burning sensation is so much fiercer than the fake version. Haha. I wuv it! The fish was darn good too. Mm mm mm.

hello, pretty green root

all quite yummy in my tummy
Eatery Info: South Coast Sushi, 1700 S Michigan Ave, Chicago, IL 60616
did u know wasabi's also good for your gums cuz it has natural antibacterial action and kills bacteria that's implicated in gingivitis and gum disease?! wooohoo
yeah, i heard there's wasabi toothpaste now. but i wonder if it's real wasabi or "fake" hehe. Never knew that Ji! I have to try the real stuff one day.
that bowl of sashimi looks sooo good
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