Thursday, May 7, 2009

05.07 - I Wuv Me Some Wasabi

Many years ago, I remember watching something on TV about wasabi. It talked about how wasabi is Japanese horseradish—of which the root is finely grated into a paste for use with sushi. They talked about how the wasabi commonly found in stores and restaurants is actually just dyed horseradish since real wasabi is expensive and perishable (and loses flavor when exposed to air!). Ever since then, there is not one time I’ve had sushi without looking at the wasabi and thinking to myself, “Sad. This isn’t real.” Haha.

All that changed the other day, though. I went to a restaurant . . . and they asked if we wanted fresh wasabi . . . and I noticed it would cost extra . . . and without a moment of hesitation, I said, “Yes, please!!” Haha. Dude, fresh wasabi rocks. I love how you can feel the flesh of the root on your tongue, and the burning sensation is so much fiercer than the fake version. Haha. I wuv it! The fish was darn good too. Mm mm mm.

hello, pretty green root

all quite yummy in my tummy

Eatery Info: South Coast Sushi, 1700 S Michigan Ave, Chicago, IL 60616


jksweetz said...

did u know wasabi's also good for your gums cuz it has natural antibacterial action and kills bacteria that's implicated in gingivitis and gum disease?! wooohoo

Susan said...

yeah, i heard there's wasabi toothpaste now. but i wonder if it's real wasabi or "fake" hehe. Never knew that Ji! I have to try the real stuff one day.

journaler said...

that bowl of sashimi looks sooo good