Monday, January 4, 2010

01.04 - Happy, Healthy New Year

Though I’m not exactly the healthiest piggie* in the pen, I am quite drawn to foods known for their antioxidant qualities. Foods such as:

  • Tomatoes for its lycopene
  • Red wine for its polyphenols and resveratrol
  • Dark chocolate for its flavonoids
  • Green tea for its catechins
  • Blueberries for its vitamins C and E, anthocyanins, and phenolics
I really don’t even know what all those fancy word antioxidants do, but if they help reduce cholesterol, improve immune function, and work to lower the risk of cancer or other diseases, then I’m all for it. Ha. I didn’t realize just how much I’m into this stuff until this past weekend when my church conference car pool crew stopped by a travel rest area and I bought dark chocolate covered pretzels and a bottled dark chocolate frappuccino (yes, they make them now!) in a single bound. Mmm, delicious and healthy. ;) If only cheese had antioxidants . . . then I’d be set for life.

*Speaking of piggies, a friend gave this cute lamp to me for Christmas. Hmm. Does it come with a hidden message? ;)


goldandsilver said...

i learned about all of those in my phytochemicals class. THEY'RE GOOD FO YOU!

journaler said...

i love blueberries

if only chocolate milk were good for you

surely the pig was only a reminder for you to keep saving up for the upcoming wedding. =)

hannah love said...

chocolate milk isn't good for us??

hahah ok i thought you made up the word 'flavonoids'