Monday, January 25, 2010

01.25 - Post-Baby Celebration

My cousin D and his wife's baby girl finally arrived last night after a much awaited nine months. I, along with the rest of D's immediate family, were so anxious that we practically stared at our phones till we finally got the OK to come to the hospital. "Baby I" was absolutely itty bitty and precious, and her siblings automatically fell in love with her.

So we celebrated with Italian beef sandwiches, dipped and smothered with sweet/hot peppers. ;) My cousin S had gotten overly excited (about her new niece or the celebratory food of choice, I'm not sure) and brought over 10 sandwiches from their family's fave local place. It was a good evening.

Poor Baby I. Imagine being only four hours old and enveloped by the smell of hot, delicious Italian beef and savory peppers. That little girl is gonna have food love issues when she grows up . . . ;)

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