Tuesday, October 16, 2007

10.16 - New Breakfast Place to Add to the List?

So, this morning, my breakfast buddy and I decided to check out Wendy's breakfast offerings. For a better idea of what those are, I have attached a picture here taken from some random website. Click on it for a close-up. To make a long story short, Wendy's breakfast = yucky, artificial-tasting, gas-creating blech. I'll stick to my tried-and-true McDonald's or Burger King breakfast, thank you very much.

TUESDAY, October 16
+ 1/3 Wendy's Grande Burrito (it is an unappetizing mess of eggs, potatoes, bacon, and cheese-- so I only nibbled on the good parts)
+ 3 bites from the Wendy's Big Breakfast Sandwich (it's decent, but does not even come close to the Egg McMuffin or the Croissan'wich)
+ 2 bites of Wendy's hashbrown (gross-- tastes like the crust that would form at the bottom of a vat of oil in a deep fryer)

+ small Wendy's coffee (yum-- tastes like Dunkin Donuts)
+ Jimmy John's #5 Vito (without onions)
Mid-evening Snack
+ 3 oz. Vitamin Water "XXX"
Late-night Dinner
9 Chicken McNuggets (4 dipped in buffalo sauce, 1 dipped in sweet and sour)
+ 12 McDonald's fries (1 dipped in buffalo sauce, 3 dipped in sweet and sour)


SIDE NOTE: You may have noticed that I never seem to drink water. That's only because I figured I don't need to mention drinks unless they contain sugar or some caloric content. So, unless otherwise specified, I drink water with my meals. Also-- Minnesota water is hard, and it tastes like sweet egg-y soap. Due to this, I rarely consumed any water while on my fattie vacation this past weekend. In place of water, I ate pork rinds.

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