Wednesday, January 2, 2008

01.02 - Worst Wednesday Ever

Wednesday is a good day, right? I mean, it's in the middle of the week which means two workdays are half over and there are only two more to go. Great, right? Eh. Not when you've been off for over a week, spent time with your favorite people, bummed around a lot, and suddenly have to go back to the "real world" on a day that feels very much like a Monday. No wonder everything seemed a little bit off today.

WEDNESDAY, January 2nd
+ a few sips of a grande non-fat "skinny" (which means sugar-free now) vanilla latte
+ 1/3 of a grande non-fat "skinny" mocha latte (absolutely disgusting-- tasted like bad liquor and/or cough syrup)
+ 1/2 a bowl of chili with cheese on top and hot sauce poured on (nothing could save the blandness of this chili)
+ quarter of a rotisserie chicken (going along with the theme of the meal, blah)
+ 1/8 of a BBQ chicken quesadilla (is it even possible to ruin a quesadilla?!! it is for this place...)
+ small piece of bread with butter
+ a scoop of steamed vegetables
Pre-dinner Snack
+ handful of caramel popcorn
+ handful of cheese popcorn (mmm, the only good thing today)
+ salmon and egg omelet (not as yummy as I'd hoped)
+ few gulps of Gatorade "fruit punch"


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