Tuesday, February 26, 2008

02.26 - I'm a Bag Lady

I like to save things-- and condiments definitely fall into the category of "things." If I have an extra packet of Splenda, I'll throw it into my purse. I'll do the same with packets of ketchup, mustard, mayo, hot sauce, hot chili seasoning, butter, salt, and pepper. Note to self: do not throw packets of salt and pepper into your purse.

There is salt all over the bottom of my purse now-- and it's gotten into all my stuff: book, chapstick, candy wrappers, pen cap, coin wallet, etc. I really just need to stop throwing food-related substances into my purse. I'm not even going to go into how I threw an unwrapped piece of bread in there to eat at a later time . . .

TUESDAY, February 26th
+ veggie taco with egg, cheese, and roasted potatoes (I didn't eat the tortilla, though)
+ French vanilla flavored coffee with skim milk and Splenda
+ a Samoas cookie and a Lemon something or other cookie
+ small plate of mac and cheese with Tabasco splashed on top
+ a few green M&Ms
Mid-afternoon Snack
+ medium nonfat chai latte
+ filet-of-fish (without the top slice of bread)
+ plate of shrimp pancit


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