Friday, October 10, 2008

10.10 - Delicious Simplicity

I wanted to give a special shout-out to buttered toast. Ha. Such a simple thing yet so comfortingly delicious. You know, buttered toast was never something I was really drawn to, but all that changed when my good friend and former coworker (from New York who now resides in Minneapolis with her husband) exposed me to her morning buttered toast with coffee ritual.

Every workday morning, we would sit at our desks, complaining about our growling bellies. And every morning, she would prepare her beloved buttered toast and cup of hot coffee while I moped around craving eggs and sausage (which was always way too complicated to have at my out-in-the-open desk). Eventually, I caved and began partaking in her buttered toast with coffee ritual. And eventually, a taste for buttered toast was acquired.

Now, it's something I'll gladly have. My favorite is when the butter is spread over the entire one side of toast (and I'm talking crust to crust to crust to crust-- ha) and it melts into the bread, making it all soggy while the other side stays crisp. Mmmmm. I wonder if buttering both sides would be overkill . . .


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