Whenever payday rolls around, that's usually when everyone's inner pudge comes out. Because when you got money in the bank, you can indulge in yummy food, ya know? So practically everyone in my area brought in something delicious for breakfast this morning, the sound of crinkly paper bags permeating the office. My crinkly paper bag housed a bagel with lox.

Lox is such a unique food. It's salmon that's been cured and smoked, maintaining a raw, smooth quality. I get my lox from a Jewish deli across the street owned by a sweet, middle-aged Japanese couple. Yeah, don't ask. I'll either get the pumpernickel or everything bagel, and they'll toast it, slather on a generous amount of rich cream cheese, add a slice of tomato, nestle a few slices of lox on top, and cut it down the middle for me. Then I'll take it back to work and slowly eat it open-faced—alternating between firm, sweet tomato bites and soft, salty lox bites. *drooling Homer-style*

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