01.06 - Food Narcoleptic
So I was on the train this morning, on my way to work, when I found out halfway there that someone had been struck by a train at one of the later stations and that there would be a hold on service to downtown. I debated taking the bus, but the line was insane-- and it was snowing. So I trudged back into the subway and decided to just wait. Initially, I felt worried and thought about this person, wondering if he/she had purposely gotten him/herself hit or if it was a terrible accident. But later, all I could think about was the foil-wrapped ham, egg, and cheese omelet patiently sitting in my bag. I chided myself for not bringing a plastic fork and I even debated eating it straight from the foil. Luckily, I practiced self-control and was able to eat it an hour and a half later when I finally got to work. Mmm. Really good stuff.
I don't know if the food was to blame or what . . . but I sat in an hour and a half meeting shortly after that and I could not keep my eyes open for the life of me. It was excruciating to try keeping myself awake. I was pinching myself as hard as I could and I even tried to make myself cry to moisturize my eyes, but nothing helped. I also tried doodling but I ended up dozing and scribbling nonsense all over the paper instead. The worst was when the senior VP kept looking in my direction and all I could do was give her glassy stares through heavy eyelids. Ha. I really just need to stop eating . . . :\
1 comment:
hi jihan (found you through susan's blog)
your blog entries are hilarious
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