In other news, I found out that L (who is my 11-year old goddaughter and someone I adore and spoil) has a very twisted view of dear old me. While we were driving back to the hotel from the mountain, we passed by a cheese factory store. A CHEESE factory, people! So my head snapped towards the window and I just stared at it in adoration. L grabbed me firmly by the shoulders and turned my body away from the window. "That's enough," she said. Ha!
Five minutes later, I said aloud, "You know, maybe we should grab some food to go and just keep it in the hotel room in case anyone gets hungry later. Not that I'm hungry or anything. But it's late, so we should be prepared." L looks at me, rolls her eyes, and says, "You're such a fattie. All you ever want to do is eat!" Ohh MY gosh. It took quite a bit of willpower to keep from shoving her and hiding my head in shame. Instead, I gave her a reallllly mean look and ignored her for five minutes. Ha. Who does she think she is?! She don't knowwww me!
hellllllo fried cheese curds... *drooling*
the two little thugs-- the disrespectful (a.k.a. observant) one is on the left
i saw all the pics! looks like ya'll had a lot of fun!...besides being called a fattie by your 11 year-old niece. Man, that girl needs to show a little respect for the elderly! I caught her calling me Kim, without the "tia", a few times recently.
"she dont knoooowwwwww me!!!!!!" lols
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