Tuesday, January 27, 2009

01.27 - Nostalgic Food & Nose Kisses

Every evening for dinner, the grandma used to mash up a ripe banana into her rice. And she would eat that with chicken or a pork chop or whatever protein she happened to have prepared for the day. I used to think the mushy banana/rice concoction was so gross and too sweet—but recently I’ve started having it at dinner. It’s definitely an acquired taste, but the textures are actually quite complementary. I’m really such a sucker for nostalgic foods . . . even if it makes me feel a little like an old lady. ;)

Speaking of the grandma, I remember how much I loved giving her nose kisses—where I’d touch my nose to her nose and wiggle it a little. Haha. Mainly, I loved doing it with my grandma because she had the cutest Popeye-like nose and she wouldn’t flinch for anything. There were times when my nose would be approaching hers, and she’d think I was going in for a kiss so she’d pucker up her lips. Haha. That was the best. Nowadays, I’ll randomly plant nose kisses on babies because they don’t really know what’s going on. And sometimes I’ll do it with older kids (like L & D) because it’s kind of fun to watch them squirm with uncertainty or pretty much just try to dodge me. :}

the seeds of nostalgia are being planted (haha)


hannah love said...

hahah great minds think alike :D

nose kisses are so cute!
i'll try that banana thing... does it work with korean sticky rice?

ji said...

I'm sure it would work. It would be a deliciously sticky, mushy, sweet treat. Haha. But maybe you shouldn't try it. :\ I'm afraid it's the nostalgia that makes it good to me.

Anonymous said...

This post made me sad and chuckle when reading about your grandma. She was the cutest little woman.... with a Popeye nose. :)