1. Stay away from Pilates class. It is evil and will not only make you hate your life, but you will suffer from excruciating foot cramps.
2. You shouldn't have ordered the bridesmaid dress too small. It's nearly impossible to reduce the size of your hip bones.
3. It's a good thing you're addicted to frozen yogurt with health benefits. If not for that, your addiction might be considered an eating disorder.
4. Stop staring at your "Fast Food" calendar. Just because you love it and think it's cute, doesn't mean your coworkers do. They actually think you're a little strange.
hmm, in one of my nutrition classes i learned about how the beneficial effects of "probiotics" are questionable... there isn't much sound evidence to support the idea that probiotic yogurt has immuno-enhancing properties, it's kind of a false health claim... but Activia can help people who are lactose intolerant to fart less! haha.
ahahah i love the calendar
show me october :)
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