Tuesday, March 10, 2009

03.10 - Random Tuesday Thoughts

1. Do you know what’s a bit depressing? Going to a burger joint and having to order a portabella mushroom in place of a big, juicy red meat patty. Luckily, the place I went to offered fried egg and yummy cheese toppings which helped my make-believe burger taste pretty darn good. Still a little sad, but good nonetheless.

It certainly looks like the real thing . . .

2. We get free fruit at work every Tuesday and Thursday morning, and my latest fave is grapefruit. It's just so yummy and refreshing. :} Mmm. I can't wait for Thursday. ;)

3. The friend I went to the burger joint with asked me what kind of meat I was giving up for Lent. I said “anything that walks.” He thought that was amusing so he pretty much got on my case the rest of the time. “So what, does that mean you can eat snake? Are you going to eat snakeburgers now? Huh?” Yeah yeah . . .

4. I’ve come to realize that once a girl passes the age of 25, she becomes a free-for-all for older men. Blech. Like seriously, what makes these 40+ year old men think I want to hang out with them? If I was a little bit younger, I could be their daughter—so why the heck is the older IT guy at work or the older guy at my bus stop asking me to lunch? Eww. Really really eww. Sorry, but I don’t want to share my favorite pastime with you.

Eatery Info: Please see link above.


goldandsilver said...

mm i love big juicy burgers... with real meat haha.

you don't like older men?? haha ;)

hannah love said...

hahah point number 4
hmmm i never thought about asking them to replace meat with one of those mushrooms.

journaler said...

hi ji

i ate a veggie burger for the first time this weekend and i think i wouldve preferred the portabella mushroom

grapefruits are a dollar each, you should eat like 5 and really get your money's worth

haha "my favorite pastime"