Monday, October 27, 2008

10.27 - Salt + Caramel = Love

The salted caramel hot chocolate from Starbucks rocks. But, as expected, it's overpriced. Here's a cheap, homemade version that I shall attempt . . . probably this Friday while the kiddies are running around hoarding candy:

packet of hot chocolate mixed into hot water
caramel syrup drizzled on top
sprinkle of sea salt

And, voila! It definitely isn't necessary to spend nearly $4 just to have this served in a fancy white and green paper cup. And yet I've done it twice in the past week because I'm lazy and Starbucks is everywhere. :\ Argh.

Anyway, salt and caramel are like the perfect married couple. Each is unique and wonderful on its own . . . but, together, they bring out the best qualities in each other. Aww. :}


wes said...

i like caramel and chocolate. but the thought of putting them together kind of make my teeth hurt. mainly only when i think about caramel. but i think i'll give it a try. it does sound delicious

Unknown said...

TIP: Heat up Soy milk (microwave or boil) and then mix it with the chocolate mix.

It'll be creamier and taste oh-so-delicious.

I do that with my morning coffee. Beats Starbucks lattes and best of all, it's free!

ji said...

Wes, maybe I'll ask Josh to make us some on Wednesday. Haha. ;)

And, Justice, I would probably do that with regular milk because, sadly, I'm allergic to soy. :\ Nice tip, though, cuz. Thanks.

Susan said...

hi :)

Unknown said...

You're allergic to soy???? Who's allergic to soy? No one! That's just preposterous!

Susan said...

yum I will also have to try that recipe. I tried the salted caramel but I have to get a small because it's so sweet... but oh so good.