Thursday, January 29, 2009

01.29 - Disturbing Foods I Would Actually Eat

My buddy R sent me this article about this crazy concoction two Kansans came up with. It's pretty much a basket weave of bacon, topped with Italian sausage, covered with crunchy cooked bacon, rolled up altogether, and smoked. It's 5,000 calories and 500 grams of fat and sounds absolutely revolting . . . and, yet, I do love bacon, Italian sausage, and smoked BBQ soooo . . . I'm sure it's awesome! Haha. If you want the details, check out their blog

And here's a nice image that shows how pretty 2,000 grams of fat can be:

Then my buddy S also told me about a specialty burger being served at one of my fave Chicago burger joints. It's called the #!@%¿ Blagojevich Burger. It's a 10-ounce burger patty, a thick slice of bologna, and yellow mustard all between two grilled cheese sandwiches (one for the top bun, one for the bottom bun)-- and it comes out with a huge dollar sign drawn on top in mustard. Haha. Oh man, I don't know about the bologna . . . but I'm loving the double grilled cheese! ;) Check out the video below:

In case the video doesn't show up, click here.


wes said...

my vegetarian friend showed me this

i was just in argentina and i had grilled cow intestines. and i think it definitely ranks as top 3 things i ate in argentina. and argentina has AMAZING food.

ji said...

Haha. It was that good, huh, Wes? Wow . . . intestines. Who woulda thunk it?

P.S. When I found out, I started tearing up. :*}

Francis Choi said...

hey i had grilled cow intestines b4, at tango sur(?) 4got how to spell it.
anyway, this f#$ck blasonofab*tch burger sounds like a heart attack waiting to happen

hannah love said...

OMG the bacon!!!!
that is just crazy!!!!! i can feel my stomach and face getting bigger even thinking of what it would be like to bite into that stuff.