Tuesday, November 11, 2008

11.10 - How Much is Two Hundred?

I had another instant noodle soup for lunch today. Mainly because I was lazy and it's cold outside. After I finished, I still felt hungry so I decided to treat myself to something from the vending machine. I normally get a Rice Krispies treat, but . . . today, I was craving something different.

I settled on a little package of two Pop Tarts since I hadn't had them in so long and I thought they'd be a nice warm treat (after a little bit of time in the toaster). I was horrified, though, when I found out that the two tarts together equal 400 calories. 200 is a lot of calories for one itty bitty Pop Tart considering I can't even burn that much from a half hour of walking.

In my post-horrification, I found that 200 calories comes in a variety of shapes and sizes.

taken from http://www.wisegeek.com/what-does-200-calories-look-like.htm

Food for Thought: Next time I want a handful of gummies or half of a Snickers bar, maybe I should have a couple apples or a bunch of grapes instead. Junk food is so convenient, though. :\ Someone needs to create fruit vending machines . . .

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