Wednesday, October 10, 2007

10.10 - A Food/Nutrition Log

I've decided to make this blog into a food/nutrition log. I am such a random, impulsive, and often excessive eater that I figured this might help me change my unhealthy ways. These eating habits don't seem to be affecting my health right now, but I'm no spring chicken. I could very easily see myself falling down dead on the El in the near future due to some sort of massive cloggage in my arteries. So anyway, we will consider this blog a proactive attempt at living a (hopefully) healthier lifestyle. Here goes.

WEDNESDAY, October 10th
+ scoop of eggs with two dashes of McCormick "Season All" salt
+ packet of instant cinnamon roll-flavored Quaker oatmeal
1/2 of "Perry's Favorite" (corned beef, Jack cheese, coleslaw, Russian dressing on rye)

+ mini-sized cup of vanilla/chocolate "twist" frozen yogurt
Afternoon Snack:
+ grande non-fat caffe mocha from Starbucks

+ small-sized Rice Krispies Treats bar
Late-night Snack:
+ 1/3 of a snack-size bag of Cheetos Puffs
+ 7-9 red seedless grapes

FATTIE RATING: 3.5 (1 being super healthy, 5 being a super fattie)

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